Here is a power packed sermon by Pastor Dre that shows you and I different way that we can Go Ye Into All The World and preach the gospel.
“Go Ye”
And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Markus 16:15
En Hy het vir hulle gesê: Gaan die hele wêreld in en verkondig die evangelie aan die ganse mensdom.
This morning I would like to preach a message entitled. “Go Ye”
Now perhaps when we hear this scripture that says Go Ye into all the world, we think of a missionary going to another part of the world, such as another country, another providence, or another continent to preach the Gospel.
When many of us here the scripture that talks about “Go Ye” we think of a person going physically to another part of the world to preach the gospel.
What I would like to do this morning is look at a few different ways, that you and I can go into all the world and preach the Gospel.
Even though not all of us are called to physically go to another part of the world, but we can still go.
Let’s take a look at a few different ways that you and I can go.
- We can actually go into another part of the world physically.
Even though not all of us are called to go physically into another part of the world, there are some of us here this morning that have been called to go physically to another part of the world to preach the gospel.
You say I have a heart to be a missionary for God. I would love to go to another part of the world to live there and preach the gospel.
It is your heart’s desire to find yourself one day in another part of the world preaching the gospel. I think that is a great desire.
Because we need more missionaries to rise up. We need more people who are willing to go to another part of the world to reach hurting people.
There is a need for more missionaries in this time that are willing to leave the comforts of their home and reach hurting people.
Here is a quote by Sim Now: He says,
But, for me personally, being anything but a missionary would be second best. Perhaps a story I recall hearing years ago explains it best.
It seems the old Standard Oil Company offered an enormous sum of money to a missionary in China to work for them, to help with the development of Standard Oil in China.
The missionary turned them down. So they doubled the salary offer. He turned them down again. They said, “What do you want? We can't give more money than that.:
He said, “The money doesn't have anything to do with it. The job is too small.”
We need more people who are willing to sacrifice the comforts of their home, answer the call of God and go to another part of the world to let someone know about Jesus.
It may take learning a new culture, learning a new language and learning a new way of doing things.
Now keep in mind that “Go Ye” doesn’t only mean that you have to go physcially to another part of the world to preach the gospel, but for some of us our mission field can be our school, it can be our job, it can be our university, it can be our neighborhood, it can be our township, or it can be our workplace.
- We can go into another part of the world with our finances.
As an individual you may not ever go into another part of the world to preach the Gospel, but your finances can go.
Did you know that when you give to the work of God your finances are going on behalf of you?
It is like your finances go into the providence and says, Brother so and so couldn’t make it but I am here on his behalf.
It is like your finances go in the township and says, Sister so and so couldn’t make it but they sent me on their behalf.
I was sent here to open this church building, I was sent here to open this free recovery home, I was sent here to purchase flyers to go into the universities and colleges.
I was sent here to the people of God can do the work of the ministry.
You may not every physically go to another city, country, providence or continent, but when you send your finances, they are going for you.
You may not every go to Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth, Johannesburg, or East Rand, but your finances can go.
So, when you see lives being changed in these cities you have a part in that.
When you see souls being saved and families being restored, you have a part in that.
Let me give you an example.
Say you are a part of United We Can.
When you give your finances to United We Can, it helps us to establish more works.
Now when those works that we establish in different parts of the county begin to impact families and lives, then you had a part in that.
How did you have a part?
Well because your finances that went into these places is what was used to help build that church, get those flyers, open that recovery home and reach families.
You might not have gone physically, but the finances you sent went in your place.
You are another part of the world being represented by your finances.
Come on somebody.
I just showed you 2 ways that we can go. I would like to show you one more and then I will be done.
- Another way we can “Go Ye” is:
We can go from sitting in our seats to getting involved in an area of ministry in the church.
For some of us our going doesn’t have to be to another part of the world, but for some of us our first step into being obedient to go ye is to go from our seat to getting involved.
It can be going from your seat to the Kidz G.A.N.G.
It can be going from your seat to the Media ministry.
It can be going from your seat to the Ushers ministry, to the Newcomers Ministry, to the security ministry, to the greeter’s ministry or to the hospitality ministry.
It can be going from your seat to the Music ministry.
Come on somebody.
You might not ever go to another part of the world, but you are called to go.
Your go might be to get involved in the work of the Lord.
Did you know that all the saints should be doing the work of the ministry?
We all have a part to play in the body of Christ.
We are not called just to attend church and warm a church seat, but we are called to be a part of the body.
The Bible says in Ephesians 4:11-12
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Notice it says for the work of the ministry.
Tell your neighbor we have a work to do.
When Jesus made this statement about “Go Ye”, it wasn’t a suggestion, but it was a commission.
Being involved in the work of God isn’t an elective, but it is a requirement for those of us that are enrolled in the University of the body of Christ.
There are some of us here this morning that have been coming to the church for a while and you are wandering how can you be a part.
Well, I tell you the best way to start being a part is to join an area of ministry and get connected.
Like I said for some of us our obedience to “Go Ye” may be going from our seat to an area of ministry.
There are four areas of ministry that I would like to highlight where you can get involved.
- Kidz G.A.N.G.
This is our children’s ministry.
In case you didn’t know. While we are having church in the Sanctuary our children are also having church in their sanctuary.
Maybe you have a heart for children. You can get involved in our children’s ministry.
- They need teachers.
- They need helpers.
- Maybe you like to sing you can help lead worship in the children’s music ministry.
- You can be a mascot. Come on somebody.
- They need People to sign in the kids.
- You can help bringing the snacks.
- You can help with printing of the lessons.
- Maybe you can help with transport when they do outings.
The bottom line is, if you have a heart for children, I encourage you to get involved in our children’s ministry.
- Media/ Creatives
Another area where you can go from your seat to getting involved is the media ministry which is called the creatives.
This area of ministry consists of:
- Photography – Maybe you love taking pictures. You can allow God to use that passion for his kingdom.
- Sound –
- Social Media – Maybe you love being on social media. Some of us love it so much you are on it right now as I am preaching. You can use that social skill for God.
In case you didn’t know social media can be used to grow a church.
Side Note: social media is so powerful that someone just bought twitter for 44 billion dollars. He must know something that we don’t know about social media.
- Lighting
- Filming
- Graphic Designing – Maybe you like doing flyers. You can use that talent for the kingdom of God.
- Video editing
- Music ministry.
If you like to sing, play an instrument, or if would like to be in the choir then you should join our music ministry.
We can use more musicians.
We can use more singers.
We can use a Saxophone player.
We can use more keyboard players.
We can use more vocalists.
We can use more altos, tenors, and sopranos.
Ok maybe you don’t like being on the mic, you can join the choir and use your voice there.
I can’t wait till the day we have a mass choir for every service.
I can’t wait till the day we start writing and composing our own music.
I can’t till the day we do concert featuring our music ministry.
Now the music ministry is not only about singing and playing an instrument, but we can use rappers, spoken word artists, spiritual dancers, and so much more.
Imagine an illustrated worship service where all of a sudden, some praise dancers come out and start jamming during the praise song.
A spoken word artist comes out in the middle of the worship song and break it down with video in the background.
Imagine a worship service then all of a sudden, some spiritual dancers come out in the middle of the song.
Perhaps you like to organize, or you have admin skills, you can also be used in the music ministry.
There are schedules that need to be made of the singers.
Schedules that need to be made for the musicians.
There are lyrics that need to be typed out for songs.
There are calendar dates that need to be organized.
So even if you have admin skills, God can use you in the music ministry to keep us in order and organized.
Your “Go Ye” might be from your seat to the music ministry.
- Another area you can get involved in is the “ Journey”
The journey consists of ministries that we have put in place to receive God’s people into God’s House and take them on the journey with us.
These ministries are:
Greeters – Perhaps you like to greet people, smile at people or even talk to people. You can get connected in our greeter’s ministry.
Then you have hospitality – Perhaps you like cooking, serving, and making people feel at home then you should be a part of our hospitality ministry.
People are always complimenting your Chicken Curry; you should bring it to the green room so we can taste it.
Then you have Ushers – If you like connecting with people when they first come to church, then you should join the usher’s ministry. You can stand at the door give someone a big smile. Help someone find their seat.
You can help people find their way around the House of God.
Hello there welcome to Victory Outreach. If you are looking for the kidz G.A.N.G. you can go left. If you are looking for the sanctuary you can go right.
Also, if you need the restrooms, they are located just down the hall. Let me know if you have questions and please let me take you to your seat that we have reserved for you.
Then you have Security – You can help people that are coming to church to know that their cars are going to be safe while they enjoy the service.
Then you have Newcomers – If you like smiling, talking to new people, making people feel welcomed or connecting with people then you can allow God to use you in our Newcomers ministry.
You can help with phone calls, sending letters, connecting with new people when we release them to go in our newcomer’s lounge and so much more.
There are many areas for us to get involved in and we would like to encourage you to get connected.
What we want to do this morning is give you an opportunity to “Go Ye”.
To go from your seat and get involved and connected to an area of ministry.
Instead of having an altar we are going to give you a change to take a practical step.
If you say Pastor Dre I want to go from my seat to getting involved, our ushers have a card that they would like to hand you.
On that card you can choose one of the areas you would like to be involved in.
- Journey ( Ushers, Security, Hospitality, New Comers and Greeters)
- Music Ministry
- Kidz G.A.N.G.
- Media
Once you tik that area we are going to sing a song and I would like you to bring you card and put it in the offering basket.
Thank you for taking to read through this sermon. If you would like to read more you can check them out here.
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Life changing message, may God bless you for the word.
Hello there Eagle Lion, Thank you for the shout out. I really appreciate it. God Bless you.