Register For My Live Webinar

Register For My Live Webinar

In this live webinar I will show you simple tips and techniques that you can use to grow your church, online business or ministry. I have designed this webinar for the complete beginner but with expert information.

In This Live Webinar You Will Learn How To Take The Online Presence Of Your Ministry or Business To Another .

How To Promote Your Blog For Free On Google.

In this course I will show you how to get promote your blog and get more traffic to your website using google?

I Will Teach You 12 Simple Steps On How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog or Website for FREE With Proven White Hat Techniques For Search Engines.

Did you know SEO is the best way to get traffic to your blog?

I designed this webinar for the complete beginner and will walk you through practical steps on how you can optimize your blog or website for the google search engine.

In This Search Engine Optimization Course You Will Learn:

  • How To Install your SEO Plugin
  • What Is A Keyword
  • How To Do Proper Keyword Research
  • How To Optimize Your Blog Title
  • How To Optimize Your Meta Title
  • How To Optimize Your Meta Description
  • How To Add A Social Image
  • How To Add Embed Tube Video
  • How To Add Your Targeted Keyword To Your Social Meta Title
  • How To Add Your Targeted Keyword In Your Social Meta Description
  • Keyword within first Paragraph
  • Keyword in Image Alt Tag
  • Keyword in Image Alt Title
  • How To Add An External Link to High Authority Source :
  • How To Add An Internal Link to a Page or Post on your Site