The Mission of God’s People

Pastor Dre

“3 Essentials for the Mission.”

Here is a sermon that I spoke on a Sunday Morning and I hope that you are blessed. If you want to put a title on the message you can can call it “The Mission of God's People.

Matthew 28:19 – Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

This morning I would like to speak a message that I believe the Lord has placed upon my heart and the title of the message is “3 Essentials for the Mission.”

Now before I get into the message, I want to give a definition clarifying the difference of Mission and Missions.

Mission: The mission is the heart of God to see all mankind redeemed and saved.

You and I know from the beginning God desired man to have relationship with Him, but when Adam fell that relationship was severed.

Now the only way to get that relationship back is to accept the sacrifice of Jesus who shed His Blood for you and I to be redeemed.

The mission that you and I have is to get the Good News of the Gospel out to a world that doesn’t know Jesus.

The good news that Jesus made a way for us to have a relationship with God and with this relationship comes love, joy, peace, purpose, acceptance and much more.

Missions: Missions are the activities that the church performs to fulfill the mission.

Missions are the things that you and I do as the church, in order to fulfill the mission and get the gospel out to a hurting world.


Say the mission is to go to Canal Walk. Now that I have a mission the activities that are needed to get there are the missions. (Take uber, drive a car, or take a taxi.)

This morning we are going to talk about essentials for the mission.

The essentials we need to see the Mission of mankind coming back to God.

One more time.

The Mission is the Heart of God to reach the world and see the world come into a relationship with Him.

The Missions are the activities we perform to see that mission of reaching the lost come to pass.

Let’s talk about 3 essentials that are needed for the mission.

1. The need of the mission

You and I should see the need of the mission.

The condition that people are living in that don’t know Jesus.

We should see the need of the hurting and the lost that don’t know Jesus.

Exodus 3:7
The LORD said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.

I Samuel 9:16
“About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin. Anoint him ruler over my people Israel; he will deliver them from the hand of the Philistines. I have looked on my people, for their cry has reached me.”

Nehemiah 9:9
“You saw the suffering of our ancestors in Egypt; you heard their cry at the Red Sea.

Over and over in the Bible we see that before God delivered His People, He stated that He had seen their misery and heard their cry.

If you and I are going to accomplish the mission that God has for us as the church, then we need not be blind or deaf to the need around us.

We need not get so comfortable in the palace or should I say the church that we forget there is a need out there.

There are Mommies that are crying out for their children. Do we see it?

There are people who don’t have an answer to their situation. Do we see it?

There are people that are going through some of the toughest times of their life. Do we see it?

There are people who don’t know what to do in these times. Do we see it?

There are young people who feel like they have no hope. Do we see it?

Let us not get so comfortable in the palace that we forget that we have a mission.

That mission is to get the good news out to those who are in need.

What is the mission again? God’s heart and desire to see those that don’t have a relationship with Him be restored unto Him.

When we don’t have a mission, we can start fighting amongst each other.

Let me share with you an illustration about a group of people who lost their Mission.

I was talking to an Uncle not too long ago and he was sharing with me about a certain group of people that came together to fight against injustice.

They were looking out for each other; they were fighting for each other and they were protecting each other from the injustice.

Now what happened was the injustice got lifted and it was no longer in existence. Now the group that worked together to protect each other from the injustice had nothing to fight for, so they started fighting amongst themselves.

They started hurting each other, killing each other, and mistreating each other.

This is a prime example of when a group of people forget what their mission is, or they have nothing to fight for they can start fighting amongst each other.

As the church we should remember, or mission is to bring the good news of the Gospel to a hurting world that doesn’t know Jesus.

2. The heart in the mission

Not only do we need to see the need, but we should have a compassion and a burden to meet that need.

A lot of us our familiar with Nehemiah who was in the king’s palace but his burden to meet the needs of his people, took him out of the palace and into action.

His burden took him to the streets.

His burden made him get involved to rebuild the walls.

His burden made him give faithfully.

His burden made him move out of his comfort zone.

The challenge for you and I in this day and age is to not only see the need, but to feel the burden of the need and be willing to make a difference.

That is the mission of the church.

You and I should have a compassion and a burden for that mission to come to pass.

We should feel the hurt of the people that are lost without Jesus.

We should feel the pain of those that are living their life without Jesus.

We should feel the pain of the one who doesn’t know that there is a way out of their situation.

We should feel the burden for those that are living their life without purpose, without direction, without dignity and want to see them come to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

It is a burden in our hearts to see the mission come to pass that gets us involved in the missions.

What are those missions again? The activities that the church performs in order to see the mission come to pass.

Whatever activities that the church performs should be taking us in the direction of the overall mission. The overall mission is the great commission.

To preach the gospel to the four corners of the world, making disciples of all nations and baptizing them in the Name of the Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit

God desires that His Name would be lifted up, and that people would come to know His Saving Power.

We have a mission.

Tell your neighbor “You have a mission.”

The world is our mission field.

I guess one could ask themselves how are the activities that I as the church perform helping us get the gospel message to a hurting world?

Did you know that you as a Sunday school teacher are helping us to fulfill the great commission? I say well done.

Did you know that you being a good testimony at your school or university is helping us to fulfill the mission? I say well done.

Did you know that you being involved in that ministry, that is behind the scenes, is helping us to fulfill the mission[AH1] ? To that I say well done.

Did you know that you being an example to your unsaved family members is helping us to fulfill the mission? To that I say well done[AH2] .

Our heart for the mission is what should motivate you and I to be:

  • involved in that ministry,
  • to start that business,
  • get the degree,
  • to teach the children in Sunday school,
  • to be faithful to that ministry even when we don’t feel like it, 
  • to reach our university or college campus,
  • to use talents and gifts.

Our heart for the mission is why you and I should:

  • give to the kingdom,
  • be faithful in your tithes and offerings,
  • help build the kingdom with our abilities,
  • faithful to our calling,
  • love God,
  • sing that song, and to step out for God.

Speaking of stepping out, that leads me to my last point of what we need for the mission.

Not only do we need to see the mission, not only do we need to have a heart for the mission, but we need to have faith for the mission.

3. The faith for the mission

It is going to take faith in order for you and me to step and do what God has called us to do to accomplish the mission.

Why because there are going to be times in the natural that we don’t think we have what it takes to carry out the mission that God has for us.

There are going to be times when we wonder if we can make a difference in this generation.

There are going to be times when we feel discouraged and wonder if anything, I do is making a difference.

There are going to be times when we look at our lives and wonder if God can use us.

There are going to be times when the situation looks too big.

That is when it is going to take you and I stepping out in faith and say God if you can use me, then here is my life.

I might not have it all together, I might not be the best at this or that, I might not know everything, but one thing I want to do is fulfill the mission that you have for my life.

I want to get the good news out to hurting people and families.

It is by faith that Noah stepped out, it is by faith the Abraham stepped out, it is by faith Abel brought a sacrifice, and it was by faith Sarah bore a child when she was past childbearing age.

 It is going to be by you and I stepping out in faith that we are going to see souls saved, lives changed, families restored, gang members set free, drug addicts delivered and make an impact on this generation.

Do we see the need?

Do we still have a heart for the need, or have we forgotten why Jesus came?

Maybe we need to ask God to give us a fresh burden for the need around us.

Maybe we need to ask God to give us the faith to step out and do what He has called us to do in order to fulfill the mission.

It is good to see the need, it is good to feel the need, but it is even better to act on the need.

To step out in faith and allow God to use our lives.

The world is in need of good news and if we as the church don’t take our mission seriously then who is going to do it?

The challenge for you and I is to step out and allow God to use us to bring the good news to a hurting world.

Our mission is not to reach the church, but to reach the lost.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and if you have questions or would like to contact me please send me an email to

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