What Is The Power of Praise

Pastor Dre

” What Is The Power Of Praise”

II Chronicles 20:12 -15

12 Our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”

13 All the men of Judah, with their wives and children and little ones, stood there before the LORD.

14 Then the Spirit of the LORD came on Jahaziel son of Zechariah, the son of Benaiah, the son of Jeiel, the son of Mattaniah, a Levite and descendant of Asaph, as he stood in the assembly.

15 He said: “Listen, King Jehoshaphat and all who live in Judah and Jerusalem! This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's. …

II Chronicles 20:17

[2Ch 20:17 NIV] 17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.' “

II Chronicles 20:21-22

21 After consulting the people, Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the LORD and to praise him for the splendor of his holiness as they went out at the head of the army, saying: “Give thanks to the LORD, for his love endures forever.”

22 As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated.

This Morning I would like to talk about “Your Harvest Is In Your Praise.”

What is Praise?

Praise is you and I simply recounting all the things that God has done for us.

It is related to thanksgiving as we look back and appreciate all that God has done for us.

Praise does not require anything of us, it is simply acknowledging all that God has done.

How many know God has done a lot for us?

So just because of what He has done for us, makes Him worthy of all our praise.

The Bible is full of scriptures that talk about praising The Lord.

Psalms 18:3
I will call upon The Lord, Who is Worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

Psalms 89:5 – And the heavens shall praise they wonders, O LORD: thy faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints.

Psalms 148:2 – Praise Ye Him, all His angels; praise he Him, all His hosts.

Psalms 138:4 – All the kings of the earth shall praise Thee, O LORD, when they hear the words of thy mouth.

The Bible even talks about different ways that you and I can praise the Lord.

We can praise the Lord with singing (Psalms 9:11) ,

We can praise the Lord with dance (Psalms 150:4),

We can praise the Lord with musical instruments (psalms 33:2),

As a matter of fact the Bible says in Psalms 150:6 let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Laat alles waat asem het, die Here loof.

What is praise for you and I:

Praise is a life style – Many times praise is something that a lot of us do at a Church service, or when the Worship team comes and sings a song or when someone says can we give the Lord some praise.

However, praise should be a part of our lifestyle. We can praise God at home, work, school, in our car, while waiting for the taxi and in our everyday life.

Even if we are not at Church or with an instrument, we can still praise God.

Praise can be a Sacrifice

Praise can be a sacrifice at times because there are times when you and I may not feel like offering praise, but maybe that is why the Bible says to bring a sacrifice of Praise.

(Psalms 34:1) says I will bless The Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Remember praise is thanking God for what He has done:

So what he has done is still done even if my flesh doesn’t feel good.

Even if I am not at Church, He still has done what He did so I can still Praise Him.


  • Praise can be thanking God for my salvation
  • Praise can be thanking God for the healing He gave me
  • Praise can say Thank You Lord for delivering me
  • Praise can say Thank You Lord for blessing me
  • Praise can say Thank You Lord for the roof over my head
  • Praise can say Thank You Lord for my job
  • Praise can say Thank You Lord for all the You have done

The cool thing about praising God is that God can use it to bring about Victory.

We just read earlier how Jehoshaphat was facing a tough situation. He was facing an army that he could not defeat on his own.

So, after seeking the Lord, the Lord told him do not be afraid the battle is not yours but Mine.

The Lord said, I will fight this battle for you.

Then we see in II Chronicles 20:21 that Jehoshaphat appointed singers to go before the army and sing praises onto God.

Now remember I told you there is victory in our praise.

Well, we see that taking place here.

While the praisers where praising, God was doing the fighting.

I do not know about you but that makes me want to praise the Lord a little bit.

I said I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to praise the Lord a little bit.

Now some of you might not have ever faced a battle where you didn’t know what to do and that is ok, but I want to talk to those that may have faced a situation that seemed impossible or maybe you are in a situation that seems impossible and if God does not come through it isn’t going to happen.

That is who I came to talk to this morning.

I did not come to talk to those that came to look cute in your new suit or your new dress or should I say you didn’t tune in online to look cute or just because you wanted to do your religious duty.

I came for those that need a breakthrough, I came for those that need a touch from God, those that need a miracle and if God don’t come through it will not happen.

You have tried everything you know how; you have asked everyone to help that you have connections with, and the situation is the same.

  • It may be salvation for a loved one.
  • It may be a healing in your body
  • It may be a financial breakthrough

I do not know but is there anybody that want to praise your way to your breakthrough?

Is there anybody that wants to praise your way to your harvest.

Before I move on there is one thing that I did not mention yet.

The Bible says in [2Ch 20:25 NIV] 25 So Jehoshaphat and his men went to carry off their plunder, and they found among them a great amount of equipment and clothing and also articles of value–more than they could take away. There was so much plunder that it took three days to collect it.

Your Harvest is in your Praise.

There is a breakthrough in your praise.

There is a miracle in your praise.

If you do not believe me just ask Jehoshaphat and if you don’t believe him just ask Paul and Silas.

Is there anybody that needs the Power of God to show up in your house, in your family, in your situation or in your marriage.

I dare you to get your praise on.

Tell your neighbor I am sorry, but you are going to need to make some room for me because I need to get my praise on.

I need God to come through and if I praise Him, He will fight.

Now that we have talked about praise, I want to talk about Worship.

What is Worship?

Worship is worshipping God for who He is. Worship comes from our spirit. Worship is reserved for God alone.
Luke 4:8
And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Jesus said in John 4:23 the Father seeks those who will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.

Worship is adoring God for who He is, not for what He has done.

Praise is I thank you God for my house, my car and my job, but Worship says even if I didn’t have the car you gave me, or the house, or the job I still worship You God for who You are.

Even if I didn’t have the nice shoes – I worship You because You Are Holy.

Even if I didn’t have this nice job – I worship You because You Are Merciful.

I worship You because You are my Peace.

I worship You because You are my Abba Father.

I worship You because You are my Provider.

I worship You because You are my Redeemer.

and we can go on and on in Worship about Who God Is.

We worship God for who He is.

Praise is I thank you for what you have done and for all your blessings, but worship says God even if I didn’t have all these blessings you are still worthy of my worship.

Why because we worship God for who He is

Genesis – Skepper & Beloofde Verlosser

Eksodus – Die Paaslam

Levitikus – Hoëpriester

Numeri- Water in die woestyn

Deuteronomium – Hy word die vloek vir ons

Josua- Opperheer van die leër van die Here

Rigters- Bevry ons van onreg

Rut- Ons Skepper-Verlosser

1 Samuel- Alles in een, Hy is die Profeet/ Priester/ Koning

2 Samuel- Koning van genade en liefde

1 Konings- n Heerser groter as Salomo

2 Konings- Die kragtige profeet

1 Kronieke- Seun van Dawid wie kom om te heers 2

2 Kronieke- Die Koning wie vir ewig heers

Esra- Priester wat vryheid verkondig Nehemiah –

Nehemia- Die Een wie herstel dit wat afgebroke is

Ester- Beskermer van Sy mense

Job- Bemiddelaar tussen God en mens Psalms –

Psalms- Ons lied in die oggend en in die nag

Spreuke- Ons wysheid

Prediker- Ons betekenis vir die lewe

Hooglied van Salomo- Skepper van getroue liefde

Jesaja- Lydende Dienaar

Jeremia- Die wenende Messias

Klaagliedere van Jeremia- Hy aanvaar God se toorn vir ons

Esegiël- Seun van die mens

Daniël- Die vreemdeling in die vuur met ons

Hosea- Getroue man selfs wanneer ons weghardloop

Joël- Hy stuur Sy Gees na sy volk

Amos- Lewer geregtigheid aan die onderdrukte

Obadja- Regter oor die wie kwaad doen

Jona- Die grootste Sendeling

Miga- Hy gooi ons sonde in die see van vergeetagtigheid

Nahum- Verkondig toekomstige wereldvrede wat ons nie eens kan voorstel nie

Habakuk- Verpletter onreg

Sefanja- Die Kryger wie red

Haggai- Herstel ons aanbidding

Sagaria- Profeteer n Messias wie vir ons deurboor is

Maleagi- Seun van geregtigheid wie genesing bring

In Die Evangelie van Matteus- Die Messias wie Koning is

In Die Evangelie van Markus- Die Messias wie n dienaar is

In Die Evangelie van Lukas- Die Messias wie n Redder is

In Die Evangelie van Johannes- Die Messias wie God in die vlees is

Handelinge- Die Gees wie in Sy volk woon

Romeine- Die geregtigheid van God

1 Korinthiërs- Die krag en liefde van God

2 Korinthiërs- Hy is die betaling vir dit wat te kom is

Galásiërs- Hy is ons lewe

Efesiërs- Die eenheid van die kerk

Filippense- Die vreugde van ons lewe

Kolossense- Hou die hoogste posisie in alle dinge

1 Tessalonisense- Ons troos in die laaste dae

2 Tessalonisense- Ons terugkomende Koning

1 Timoteus- Verlosser van die ergste sondaars

2 Timoteus- Leier bo al leiers

Titus- Die fondament van die waarheid

Filemon- Ons Bemiddelaar

Hebreërs- Ons Hoëpriester

Jakobus- Hy verval ons geloof

1 Petrus- Ons hoop in tye van lyding

2 Petrus- Die Een wie ons van valse leer bewaar

1 Johannes- Bron van alle gemeenskap

2 Johannes- God in menslike vorm

3 Johannes- Bron van alle waarheid

Judas- Beskerm ons teen struikelblokke

Die Openbaring- Koning bo alle konings en Heer bo alle here

The Alpha and the Omega, Die Alfa en die Omega,

The Beginning and the End, and Die Begin en die Einde,

He is coming again and the One who makes all things new. Hy kom weer en is die Een wie alle dinge nuut maak

Psalms 29:2
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness.

So if you know He is worthy I want you to lift your hands and begin to worship Him.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Situations may change but God does not. The circumstances we may face do not change who He is.

So no matter what we may face we can still Worship Him for who He is – He is still Worthy.

Tell your neighbor “Don’t let the fire stop your Praise”

Tell your other neighbor – Don’t let the situation stop your Worship.

Worship is adoring God for who He is.

P.S. Thank you for taking the time to read through my sermon, You may also be interested in my sermon entitled ” Enlarge My Territory– If you have any questions please email me pastordre@pastordre.com

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