Hello Family and thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Are you in need of a nice website for your church?
I would like to invite you to tune into my FREE webinar where I will teach you how to build a church website for free.
In this Free webinar I will walk you through the process of building a nice website from scratch. I have been building websites for over 20 years and I would like to share some of my knowledge with you.
Here is a sample of how the website will look when we are done with the webinar.

Did I mention that I will show you how to build this website absolutely free?
If this sounds like something that you would be interested in, you can register for my FREE webinar here.
If your church doesn't have a website, then it is time to get one. If I can put it plainly, if your church doesn't have a website, then you are outdated.
I understand that you may not have the budget for a website or have the experience of designing a website.
Well I will show you how to build a website for free and step by step. Let me put it to you like this. If you can set up a facebook page, then you can build a website. In this webinar I will show you techniques that are very easy to follow and will have you up and running with a nice looking website.
Here is an on demand recording of the webinar if you would like to have a sneak peak.
I look forward to connecting with you. If you have questions please leave them in the comment section below or you can email directly at pastordre@pastorde.com
God Bless You
Pastor Dre
P.S. Remember to register for the webinar – Just click here. It is FREE.
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Taking is misspelled. Designing is misspelled. Enroll is misspelled.
Build needs to be building.
Webiste is misspelled.
“Did I mention that I will show you how to build this website absolutely free.” needs a ? mark.
“If you church doesn’t have a website, then it is time to get one. If I can put it plainly, if you church doesn’t have a website, then you are outdated.” You’s should be your.
Put your best forward!
Why aren’t you up front with the information that this is an affiliate program?
“FREE” is never actually free. Someone pays.
Thank you for the shout out and I have made the corrections. I do mention in the webinar that I will get credit if you become an premium member, but it really is free. . You will get a free website for 6 months. I don’t get a commission if someone joins the free membership Let me know if you need help setting it up. Once again thank you.