Press Toward The Mark

Pastor Dre

“Press Toward The Mark“

Philippians 3:12 – Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

Many of us started off this year with goals and aspirations.

Can I hear an Amen?

Not only did we start off with goals and aspirations, but we were on the move toward those goals for a few months, but then the passion dwindled.

Somehow the desire that we had to fulfil that goal just wasn’t there any longer.

This morning I would like to take a look at a few things that you and I can do to help us keep that passion and fire for our goals and finish 2020  strong.

  1. Remember the goal that you had and recommit to it.

What was one thing that you wanted to accomplish at the beginning of this year?

Many of us had goals at the beginning of this year and we started off strong striving toward those goals.

Maybe we started off the year with a great start, but then somewhere along the way we got a little sidetracked.

Maybe it was a goal to grow our prayer life.

Maybe it was a goal to write a book.

Maybe it was a goal to grow our word life.

Maybe it was a goal to write a song.

Maybe it was a goal to be consistent in our church attendance.

Maybe it was a goal to get fit.

Maybe it was a goal to finish your schooling.

Maybe it was a goal to be faithful in our giving to the Lord.

Maybe it was a goal to learn a new language.

I am not sure what you started off this year with as a goal with, but I do know one and that is the year is not over.

So that means you still have a chance to end this year strong going after that goal.

You and I still have an opportunity in front of us to finish strong.

The first step in ending of the year strong by going after our goal is to remember the goal that we set.

Do me a favor try and remember one goal that we set at the beginning of the year.

But the lockdown hit, and it threw off my goal.

I have some good news for you.

There are still people that are going after their goals even during a lockdown.

  • People that wanted to get fit but could not go to the gym have turned their house into a gym.
  • People that wanted to get a matric but could not go to school have start taking classes online.
  • People that wanted to start a business but could not get a building have started online businesses.
  • People that wanted to be faithful in their church attendance but could not come into the house of God have faithfully tuned into church service online.
  • People that wanted to write a book but then lockdown hit didn’t give up, but actually they had more time now to put the book together.
  • People that wanted to grow in their prayer life have used this time to get closer to the Lord because they had more time on their hands.
  • People that wanted to be faithful in their giving but could not come to church to give because of the lockdown have found ways to be faithful in their giving online.
  • People that wanted to write new songs or music but could not get into the studio set up zoom sessions with musicians to compose songs.

They turned what seemed like an obstacle into an opportunity.

What was one goal that you set at the beginning of this year?

I want to encourage you to remember one goal that you had at the beginning of this year, make a fresh commitment to that goal, and end the year strong by going after that goal.

Maybe it was a New Year’s resolution, I don’t know but I encourage you even if it is just this last month of going after that goal and ending strong that is ok.

  • Pursue small actions rather than big outcomes.

The second thing that you and I can do to end the year strong is by pursuing small actions rather than big outcomes.

What do I mean by that?

Here is an illustration of someone who is trying to get fit.

See a big outcome is I want to lose 20kg, but a small action is stop eating late at night.

Here is an illustration of someone trying to build their prayer life:

A big outcome is to build a solid and consistent prayer life, but a small action is to pray 5 minutes 4 to 5 times a week.

A big outcome is to get my matric, but a small action is to finish my current assignment.

A big outcome is to write an entire song, but a small action is to write the first verse of the song.

I think you get my point. Let me give you one more.

A big outcome is to start my own business, but a small action is to take a class on how to start a business.

A big outcome is to become a missionary, but a small action is to read a book or take a class about being a missionary.

When you and I are trying to finish strong it is important to focus on small actions rather than big results.


When you and I are going after a goal and we set big outcomes, it can become discouraging when we do not reach those outcomes.

Now on the other hand, it is encouraging when set and reach small goals that take us toward the big outcome.

The Bible says in Zechariah 4:10 – Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.

  • What steps can I take today to get closer to my goal.

Even though we are almost at the end of 2020, it is not over yet.

We can still take some steps toward the goal that we want to accomplish.

The year is not over.

Many of us started off this year with goals and aspirations.

Can I hear an Amen?

Not only did we start off with goals and aspirations, but we were on the move toward those goals.

In January we were on the move.

In February we were still on the move.

Right around march the excitement and fire for the goal that we set began to dwindle. The excitement that we had about reaching that goal was there anymore.

Now I know some of us are thinking, yep you are right Pastor Dre locked down hit and it affected all my plans and me going after my goals.

Yes, I get it and I understand, but let us not blame lockdown to quick.

The reality is that some of us started off strong in 2019, 2018 and 2017 but right around February or March we still lost our passion and our fire for the goal we set and there was no lockdown then.

As a matter of fact, did you know that there are people who are actually using lockdown to start businesses, finding creative ways to go after their goals, and put more time into accomplishing their goals.

So, let us not blame lockdown to quick.

What can happen is you and I can set goals and resolutions, but somehow we get off track and are not able to stick to them.

The fire and excitement that we had towards accomplishing those goals becomes something of the past.

Well this morning I came to encourage us and say the year is not over yet.

Look at your neighbor and tell them under your mask. The year is not over.

Come on somebody!!!

Ok we may have gotten a little bit of track with your 2020 goals, but the year is not over.

Ok we may have lost a little bit of that fire for our 2020 goal, but the year is not over.

Ok we may have stopped all together in pursing our goal for 2020, but the year is not over.

I stopped by to encourage us this morning, we still have an opportunity to finish strong.

Even though we may have gotten off track, you and I still have time to take steps toward our goal.

There is still time in 2020 for us to go after that goal.

There is an old saying that says “It’s not over till it’s over.”

Have you ever seen a great comeback?

Great South Africa Comebacks.

Rugby South Africa winning the world cup Australia vs. South Africa 2006

Maybe you were watching a sports game and the other team was getting blown out, but the game was not over because there was still time on the clock.

The ones watching the game may have given up on the team that was losing, the supporters wearing the teams jersey may have left their seats, and people thought it was over, but there was still time on the clock.

Well just like a good comeback in sports, I have come to encourage someone to make a comeback in 2020.

There is still time on the clock.

  • Yes, you may have lost your job, but there is still time on the clock. ( Daar is nog tyd op die horlosie)
  • Yes, your supporters may have left their seats, but there is still time on the clock.
  • Yes, the ones who were cheering for you at the beginning of the game may be booooinnng you now, but there is still time on the clock.

They might have given up on you, but just do not give up on yourself, why because there is still time on the clock.

  • You may have only a little bit of finances in your account to start that business but start it anyway. Why because there is still time on the clock.
  • You may not qualify for that job but apply for it anyway. Why because there is still time on the clock.
  • You may not have the finances for that university, but go to class anyway. Why because there is still time on the clock.
  • You may only have a little bit of strength left but press on anyway. Why because there is still time on the clock.

I dare you to press on, in this last month of 2020 and go for all that God has for you.

Tell your neighbor Press On…

As a matter of fact, I want you to stand to your feet if you are going to press on in this last month of 2020.

We still have one more month to go.

Let us press on to take hold of what God has for our lives.

We still have time to go after the goal that we set out to accomplish at the beginning of this year.

Now Sidenote: If you did not start this year with a goal, then you still have time to come up with one and pursue it with a passion.

It’s not over till it’s over.

You can still go after that degree. Ok you might not get it this year, but you can still take steps that will set you up for 2021.

You can still go after that small business.

You can still build your prayer life.

You can still build your word life.

You can still go after that matric.

Come on Somebody!!!

Is there anybody that says, yep that stands are empty, but I am going after it.

Yep my funds are low, but I am going after it.

Yep my strength is weak, but I got a fresh fire.

Yep I may have gotten sidetracked, but I got a fresh focus.

Yep that have given up on me, but it is not over.

Dit is nie oor nie

Is there anybody in the house that says, I may have gotten of track in 2020, but it is not over?

Tyd raak min moet nooit opgee want God se tyd nie ons tyd. Onthou Julle die  Wereld beker

I am about to take some steps to go after all that God has for in 2020 and end it strong.

Why because It Is Not Over….

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