The Great Commission

Pastor Dre

“The Great Commission”

Matthew 28:19-20

[Mat 28:19-20 KJV]

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, [even] unto the end of the world. Amen.

In this portion of scripture Jesus is telling His Disciples to go into all the world and teach the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

Now it is important to know when Jesus gave this command to His disciples.

Jesus had been crucified, buried, and the He rose from the dead. Now He is about to be ascended into heaven and He tells His Disciples this statement–

Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

This was not the great suggestion, but this is the great commission.

Jesus didn’t suggest that they go into all the world, but he commissioned them.

Another thing we should notice is before He gave the command, in verse 18 He said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

Jesus stated His authority before He sent out His disciples.

One commentary put it like this: This can be looked at like an officer who has the highest authority telling a private his rank before he gives the order or the instruction.

Now the exciting thing is that when you and I go out to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ we are not going in our own authority, we are going in the authority of God Almighty.

So, if you are spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and someone asks who sent you, you can say I Am sent me.

Did you know that as Victory Outreach Ministries International we have been sent by God into the inner cities of the world?

See every church has its calling and its anointing to reach people and build the kingdom of God.

One church may be anointed and called to do this, and another church maybe anointed and called to do that, but it doesn’t make any church better than the other.

We all are trying to reach hurting people and build the kingdom of God.

Well as Victory Outreach we have been called and anointed to reach the inner cities of the world. We have been anointed to reach the gang member, the drug addict, the prostitute and their families with Gospel of Jesus Christ.

That is our specialty.

It kind of reminds me of different fast-food places or restaurants.

When I think of Burger King I think of the Whopper. Why because that is their specialty.

When I think of Debonair, I think of Pizza. Why because that is their specialty.

When I think of Nando’s I think of Chicken. Why because that is their specialty.

Well so it is with our church Victory Outreach.

We have a specialty, and that specialty is to reach the inner cities of the world.

Our founders started this ministry over 50 something years ago with a promise from God to reach treasures out of darkness and God has been faithful to His Promise.

Some may ask how come you don’t add this to your menu or that to your menu?

Well, It is probably because we haven’t been anointed to add that to our menu, but one thing I can say is we specialize in reaching the inner cities of the world.

As a matter of fact, many of the ones that you saw dedicating their babies have been set free from a life of gangsterism and drug addiction.

Some of them didn’t ever think that they would have a family but look what the Lord has done.

The anointing that God has given us is changing lives.

We are not seeing lives changed in our own authority but in the authority of the one who has called us.

In case you are wondering. We are not a drug addict church; we are a likeminded church.

That means now matter what lifestyle we come from; we all have a heart to reach the inner cities of the world.

How many know you don’t have to be a gang member to have a heart to reach gang members.

How many know you don’t have to have been a drug addict to have a heart to reach drug addicts.

Let me prove it to you. Jesus wasn’t ever a gang member, and He is still reaching gang members to this day.

It is all about have a burden to see people reached and lives changed for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.

Does the church still have a burden for the lost?

We should have a heart for the great commission of spreading the gospel to the four corners of the world and to reach hurting people.

Speaking of spreading the gospel to the four corners of the world, what we need today in the church is more missionaries.

We need more people that have a heart to spread the gospel news of the gospel.

Now I know when we hear the word missionary, we may think of someone that leaves their country and to goes to another part of the world to spread the gospel.

Yes, that was the case back in the day, but now a days you can go to the four corners of the world from your phone.

You can go to the four corners of the world on Facebook.

You can go to the four corners of the world on TikTok.

I have a TikTok channel for the Rise Up Radio segment and we get people tuning in to our live feed from all over the world.

You can go to the four corners of the world on Instagram.

You can go to the four corners of the world on YouTube.

Yes, we need people that are willing to go to another part of the world the share the good news, but we also need people that are willing to make the most of the opportunities that we have in front of us today to spread the Gospel.

Are there any Facebook missionaries?

Where are the TikTok missionaries.

Where are the Instagram missionaries?

Where are the YouTube missionaries?

Are we willing to use the platforms that we have to spread the gospel to the four corners of the world?

Not only can we be a missionary on social media but as a child of God, you and I can even be a missionary in our own neighborhood, in our University, in our Home, in our School and yes even our workplace.

As the church we have been called to spread the Good News of the Gospel to the four corners of the world.

Believe me the world is in a place where it is looking for good news.

I guess the question is, as the church, do we still have a burden to share the good news with a hurting world?

Do we have a burden for the lost?

[Exo 3:7 KJV] 7 And the LORD said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people which [are] in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows;

[Exo 4:31 KJV] 31 And the people believed: and when they heard that the LORD had visited the children of Israel, and that he had looked upon their affliction, then they bowed their heads and worshipped.

How many know the world is crying out for an answer?

Not only is the pandemic taking lives, but gang violence is also taking lives, drug addiction is also taking lives and as a ministry we have been anointed to meet that need.

We need more missionaries today that are willing to act on the great commission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Like I said I am not necessarily talking about going to another part of the world, but I am talking about you and I willing to use the platforms that we have to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our platform might be our job.

Our platform might be our talents.

Our platform might be our social media account.

Our platform might be music.

Our platform might be our university, or college or our school.

Our platform might be our business.

I don’t know, but what should motivate you and I to use our platform to fulfil the great commission is our burden for the lost.

Do we still have a burden for the lost?

Our mission is the great commission, and our vision is the inner cities of the world.

The world is looking for answers and Jesus is the answer. God fill us up as the Church so we can overflow into a hurting world.

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