The Importance of small groups in the church

Pastor Dre

“The importance of small groups in the Church”

Act 2:46-47 KJV

46 And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

This morning I would like to speak a message entitled “The importance of small groups.”

Now when I say small groups, I am not just talking about our life groups that meet on Tuesday night, but I am talking about ministries that meet in small groups.


With the way that the rules and regulations of gatherings are changing, if we are going to stay connected and our church is going to keep growing, it is important that we get connected to a small group.

You know what is interesting is the early church didn’t have big buildings to meet in or huge auditoriums to have church and they kept growing.

The early church met from house to house.

The benefit of connecting to a small group.

Small groups are where growth happens.

  1. We grow as an individual.

We can grow as an individual by asking questions.

We can grow as an individual in our walk with God by sitting under the teachings.

We can grow as an individual by getting our personal needs met.

We can grow as an individual by serving in the capacity of our gift and while we do this, we can develop our gifts.

Here are a few examples:

If you like to serve you can serve the snacks at the small group.

If you do administration, you can do the admin at the small group.

If you sing you can lead worship at the life group. (I remember the first time I heard Nuru sing at a life group and now she is a worship leader. Where did she start? In a life group)

If you usher, you can usher at the life group.

If you feel called to preach, you can preach your first sermon at your small group. (The first sermon I ever preached was in a life group. I did not do well at all. I felt like digging a hole and hiding, but that is where I preached my first sermon.)

If you have a heart for children’s, ministry you can do the kidz G.A.N.G. at your life group.

If you have a heart for follow up, you can do the follow for your small group.

If you love to cook, you can provide the snacks for your small group.

Now remember when I say small group, I am not just talking about life groups that take place on Tuesdays, but I am talking about ministry small groups that meet throughout the week. Yes, life groups are included in the small groups.

  • We can grow in our relationships.

We can grow in our relationship with God.

Learn how to pray.

Get into God’s Word.

We can grow in our relationships with each other.

Get to know new people.

Get to know our brothers and sisters in Christ.

  • The church grows.

Did you know when more people join small groups it brings growth to our church?

It can bring growth in two ways.

The first way it can bring growth is like we learned earlier. I

When I grow as an individual. Such as growing in my walk with God and growing in developing my gifts then the church grows.

How many know that we are the church, and as we grow and mature the overall church grows and matures.

The second way small groups can bring growth to the church, is by inviting someone who doesn’t come to church to visit a small group or by inviting someone who is new in the church to join a small group.

One of the best ways to get an unchurched person or an unsaved person to the church is by you and I giving them a personal invitation to a small group or an event outside of Sunday.

See some of our family members, friends, loved ones and co workers may not want to come on a Sunday Morning, but they will come if you invite them to a small group setting.

Maybe it is a fellowship, a hang out or a braai with the team of the small group.

Not only that, but one of the best ways to get a new person connected to the church and involved in the church is by inviting them to join a small group.

Sometimes new members in the church may not want to serve at a big capacity right away, but if you and I invite them to serve at a smaller capacity they would love to.

So not only do small groups bring growth to us as individuals, but it also brings growth to the church.

See it is good to have a lot of people on Sundays, but it is even more exciting when the ones who come on Sundays are connected to a smaller group.

Especially in this day and age that we live in, where rules and regulations of how many people can gather in a building are constantly changing.

The good thing about small groups is that they keep us all connected and growing in our walk with God no matter how many people can gather in a building.

If we can gather in small groups, then we can keep the church growing.

Whether it is 50 or 100.

Even when it is 0.

That small group can stay connected via zoom, email, whatsapp or personal connection.

The early church didn’t have big buildings and auditoriums to meet in. They met from house to house and the church grew.

In closing, I would like to encourage you, if you are not connected to a small group, get connected today.

Now when I say small group, I am not just talking about life groups, but I am talking about ministry groups where you can get connected, grow in your walk with God and developing your gifts.

What is considered a small group?

Life groups are a small group.

Worship team is a small group.

Ushers and Security is a small group.

Support group is a small group.

Evangelism team is a small group.

Prayer team is a small group.

Being a part of a small group is the best way to get connected, build friendships and get involved.

(The first message I ever preached was at a small group)

(The first group I ever led was a small group)

If you would like to get connected and involved, here are some ideas on how to do so.

  •  Be a greeter.
  • Join hospitality ministry.
  • Help with the children’s ministry.
  • Help set up or clean up after a church function.
  • Cook a meal for the function.
  • Get involved in the sound ministry.
  • Join the prayer ministry.

If you are not sure how to go about joining a ministry. You can talk to myself or anyone of our leaders and we will lead you to the right person.

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