Thank you for stopping by. Today we are going to talk about Drug Addiction Recovery and how God is able to change a life.
Thanks for tuning in to the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town. We are delighted that you have decided to tune in.
Today on the Rise up Radio Segment we are going to be featuring real life testimonies of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, so if you know someone who is involved in substance abuse and is looking for a way out, we want to encourage you to call them up and tell them to tune in to the Rise up Radio Segment coming at you now.

What’s up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town and I want to encourage you to call up a friend tell them to tune in because they just might get born again
I want to thank you for tuning in today we have an awesome program for you we're going to be hearing the testimony of a young man that has been changed by the power of God and today I want to welcome Jovani to the show how you feeling today Jovani?
Real, real blessed Pastor
Amen well let's get right into it can you tell us how was your life like before you came to know Jesus?
Yoh Pastor, I was a hopeless, messed up, you know, young man ,you know bound to drug addiction and gangsterism for very long time of my life you know Pastor, at a very early age you know.
I found myself you know ,looking for love in all the wrong places.
You know I didn't have a father figure growing up so what I did is I went to the street corner you know and you know the street thugs became father figures to me, they started to teach me you know the things that a father should teach a boy you know.
I needed a father growing up, Pastor Dre, you know, I didn't have that because I needed a father to teach me how to speak to a woman ,teach me how to get a car running.
I didn't have that you know and I found myself looking at role models in other places.
So these boys started to teach me how to rob, they put a gun in my hand, in the beginning it was nice.
There was girls, there was money, there was always drugs, you know, but as I went on, I found myself at a place where, where things started to get a little bit rough.
Where I started getting court cases and when I would get to court you know and look around I would just see my Family there.
I started to see that this thing is not as real as I thought how it was, you know so Pastor, I started looking out and I really wanted to help you know but in the beginning I didn't know how to call out for help because in the streets you gotta be like a man.
I used to do certain things with them but I also got to see that this, this life is really lonely and I was hurting on the inside Pasto.
Because the drugs wasn't feeling so good anymore, you know, shooting people wasn't feeling so good anymore, you know, and I wanted to change because I lost a lot of my friends at a very young age.
There came a time in my life where one day two of my friends got killed ,you know, I won’t say their names, you know, but that really made me wake up.
They were very young 17, you know, the other one was 18, you know, they got burned out so it was right there that I said Lord I don't want to die like this I wanna change, when I started to, to call out for help.
Wow that is heavy so how did you end up changing?
Yoh Pastor, I came to my mom you know seeing that I was kicked out of the house, living on the streets.
Living here and living there.
So I came to my senses and I came to my mom and I asked her I want help and so she started looking for places to help me Pastor.
Because of my addiction and the lifestyle I was living so we ended up in Bellville, at SANCA, you know, a lot of people know SANCA ,it is an outpatient program where they give you references to rehabs.
I came to this place and I spoke to this lady, me and my mom, and they , they told us about a couple of places but she mentioned a few names and because my mom you know was struggling a little bit financially because of my addiction I stole a lot of stuff out of the house.
I'm just gonna shame the devil here a little bit today ,My God, I stole a lot of stuff out of the house you know my mom was a little bit in a place she was a little struggling financially.
She told us about a free Christian recovery home, you know, so that is where we got curious Pastor.
My Mom she said know I just want to get you out of the house. So we're just gonna take you to this place they told us about at the time I didn't know this was a church.
A Christian Rehabilitation home and all that Pastor they told us about Victory Outreach , Victory Outreach, I want to see this thing you know and I was just going through the motions my mom just wanted to get me away.
Yeah you know because of my lifestyle you know and when we came, it was a Sunday morning ,we came to the services, and there was this mother standing at the door, she also had a son, he was bound to drug addiction but he came through the home and he got delivered and she gave my mom that hope Pastor, you know.
Wow that's some good stuff right there so you came into the Victory Outreach recovery home and God changed your life
God change my life Pastor, you know
Oh wow that's good stuff
All right ladies and gentlemen keep it locked right here you are tuned into the Rise up Radio Segment when we come back Jovani I want you to break it down for the people how is God using your life today can we do that?
Yes, yes Pastor
Alright keep it locked if you want more information on our free Victory Outreach recovery home you can call 021 691 9575 or you can visit our website
Alright we're gonna get into a commercial break, we'll be right back here on the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town.
Ladies and gentlemen Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town invites you to join us for one of our Sunday morning services, we have three services, one at 8:00 AM, one at 9:30 AM and our Afrikaans services is at 11:15 AM, we are located at 123 Voortrekker Road on the corner of Voortrekker and McDonald in the Goodwood Mall, we would love to see you there For more information call our office 061 407 9474
Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town presents a free concert with Neville D, it all takes place Sunday December 10th at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:15AM, we are located at 123 Voortrekker Rd on the corner of Voortrekker and McDonald in the Goodwood Mall, if you would like more information give us a call 061 407 9474 or visit our website
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town. Jovani you were telling us a little bit about the Victory Outreach recovery home what happened in that recovery home how did God minister to you and deliver you
Yoh Pastor, it was right there in that home you know where I started to surrender my life to God you know because I didn't want to live my life the way it is when I came into the home you know there's, there's Chapel times in the morning and when I came down to these Chapel times I saw a lot of young men crying and being broken before God saying they surrender their lives and you know I never trusted Jesus or anybody in my life so I started to , let me give this thing a go and it was right there in the home where God transformed my life, God changed me around, God placed a calling upon my life, it was in that recovery home you know you don't just come to get off drugs you know right there in that Christian home, Victory Outreach recovery home, they’ll train you up, they’ll equip you to be a leader you know and they start to believe in you and right now you know I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm one of the leaders you know, serving under Pastor Will you know
OK let me ask you a question, let me ask you a question, you were bound to drug addiction, gangsterism, came into the Victory Outreach recovery home, God set you free and now you're a leader in the Kingdom of God
Yes Pastor
Tell us a little bit how God using your life today
Yoh Pastor, it’s a real blessing you know for, because I was a drug addict, my life was nothing Pastor, I wasn't worth anything you know but, but God brought value to my life and through the ministry of Victory Outreach, as a channel you know, I find myself right here in Hanover Park Pastor you know letting gang members know that Jesus Christ has a plan for their life, letting drug addicts know that God don't want you to die like that, He wants to change you, He wants to save you, He's got a plan for you, there's a calling upon your life you know and this is what we do Pastor, on a day to day basis, every Tuesday, I find myself as a life group leader you know
Wow, wow, wow, wow you sound like a preacher too good stuff, this is powerful, you went from being involved in gangsterism, drug addiction, came into the Victory Outreach recovery home, Jesus set you free, now you're leading a Bible study, going into Hanover Park and that you have a service every Thursday you're one of the leaders there and you also have a group that reaches out to young people, tell us a little bit about that
Yes Pastor you know what's happening right now we got a group called Treasures Squad you know it’s a hiphop ministry, where we, we open it up for youngsters you know from all communities to come in and, and you know just to be themselves you know they don't have to be on the corner you know sipping on drinks you know or going ,you know because they got this new drug out now Pastor Dre, vlakhuis we don't want them and let them go there you know so we bring them in, it is a hiphop ministry, drama you know and it's also dances where we allow the youngsters to be themselves, Pastor, we train them, we let them know about Jesus Christ you know and this is what we do Pastor
Wow that is some exciting stuff right there OK Jovani if I have a family member maybe that stays in the Hanover Park area I understand you have services every Thursday is that correct?
Every Thursday night Pastor, at the 12 E Creche you know they call it the small Civic Centre right there on the terminus and our services are from 7 till 9 Pastor every Thursday night
OK good stuff, so once again that's every Thursday night if you have a family member that's close to Hanover Park area we love for you to invite them come on out and join us, all right Jovani this is what we're gonna do we're gonna go into another commercial break and when we come back I want you just the minister matter of fact maybe we should minister right now because you could feel the presence of the Lord in this studio what would you have to say to someone that's listening right now that might find themselves or has a family member in the shoes you were in
I just want to let you know that you know Jesus Christ is the answer to your prayers , Jesus Christ is the answer to your cry, I could never even imagine you know being the young man that I am today It was not a pill that changed me, it wasn't no formula that changed me but it was the blood stained banner and the blood of Jesus Christ that changed my life and I wanna let you know mommy you know call upon the name of Jesus Christ He's alive, He's living, His still changing lives, He’s still changing people, He’s still restoring families and He's the answer to your prayer young man, He's the answer to your prayer young lady so Jesus loves you and He's got a plan for your life.
Wow that's some good stuff right there. Once again ladies and gentlemen if you want more information on our free, yes free Victory Outreach recovery home you can give us a call.
Let me give you the number 021 691 9575 and we're standing by to take your call now or you can visit our website keep it locked
Hello this is Pastor Henry, I want to invite you to come every Thursday for our breakthrough Thursday at 7:00 PM at our Victory Outreach Cape Town Church.
Are you or someone you know caught up in the lifestyle of drug addiction or gangsterism, well there is a way out.
At Victory Outreach free recovery home we have seen countless of lives changed by the power of God if you would like more information on our free Victory Outreach recovery home please call us at 021 691 9575
What's up everybody welcome back to the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town and you are hearing the testimony of a young man that has been changed by the power of God,
he was bound by gangsterism and drug addiction ,came into our free yes free Victory Outreach recovery home, God changed him, delivered him, set him free and now he's a leader in the Kingdom of God,
Jovani before we pray maybe from your heart there might be a mommy out there listening, a daddy out there listening that has a son or a daughter that is in the shoes you were in what would be your words to them and then maybe we could say a word of prayer
My words to them would be don't give up on your child you know don't give up on your son because it's your son you know and when I look at my mummy prayer you know
I couldn't have imagined because when I looked at her she prayed you know I was thinking she was crazy but you know God listen to her prayer you know and God answered her prayer.
I wanna let you know mommy don't stop praying you know don't give up on your son you know because Jesus Christ hears your prayer and hears your cry
Amen let's do this Jovani maybe we could say a word of prayer for those who are listening
Father in the mighty name of Jesus I come before You right now God I pray for every young man God yes it is still out there I pray for every mummy, every daddy, God, right now listening to the show that might feel God finally she wants to give up God, they throw in the towel God I pray right now God that You come through for them oh God, You a God that never fails, O God, You do not sleep o God, I pray that You change them ,change their sons life, O God, change their daughters life, O God, give them that strength, O God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen and Amen
Amen thank you for tuning in today thanks for coming on the show Jovani
Blessed, blessed, Pastor
Powerful, powerful testimony keep up the good work for the Lord
Once again if you want to get a hold of us at Victory Outreach let me give you the number to our church office it's 061 407 9474
If you want more information to our church services and where we're located at you can give us a call
We're located in the Goodwood Mall 123 Voortrekker Road on the corner of Voortrekker and McDonald in the Goodwood Mall
Well we like to thank you for tuning in.
We'll see you next week on the Rise up Radio Segment brought to you by Victory Outreach Church of Cape Town
If you or someone you know is involved in substance abuse and is looking for a way out please contact our free recovery home at 021 691 9575 or you can visit our website at
Once again thank you for tuning in We look forward to seeing you again next week on the Rise up Radio Segment