Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – Updated Version

Pastor Dre

Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023: Updated Version

Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Website: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Price: Trial/ Premium $49 Month / Premium Plus $99 Month
Owners: Kyle and Carson

Training Quality: 10/10
Research Tools: 10/10
Mentorship Program: 9/10
Websites Included: Yes
Hosting Included: Yes
FREE Trial: Yes

Overall Ranking: 9.5/10

 Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

In My Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 I am going to share with you how I am personally using wealthy affiliate to see lives changed and families restored.

When you hear a company called Wealthy Affiliate right away, you may think of an online company that is out to take your money or a company that is nothing but a scam.

To be honest, when I heard of the company Wealthy Affiliate I thought the same thing. Why, because the name of the company first has Wealthy in it and second it has the word Affiliate in it.  

The reason I put this Wealthy Affiliate Review together is to show you that if I can learn how to get more traffic to my website and blog using wealthy affiliate, so can you. 

Those two words just didn't sit well with me.

I had a total misconception of affiliate marketing. The only thing that was familiar with when it came to affiliate marketing was people trying to sell you something. Not only that but also people trying to scam you.

It goes something like this:

– For only $49.99 by this affiliate marketing program an you will make thousands of dollars overnight.

– You see this BMW, Lamborghini and Bugatti parked in my drive way, well you can have yours too, all you have to do is buy my 7 step affiliate marketing program to make millions.

– Are you tired of working a 9 to 5 let me show you how to make money from home doing absolutely nothing.

And the list can go on and on.

That was my perception of affiliate marketing, so when I heard the wealthy mixed with affiliate, I was like this must be one of those online marketing scams.

When I heard the word Wealthy, I thought OK they are out to teach my how to make money or they are out to take my money.  If we are honest, yes there are a lot of scams out there on the internet that are taking people's money.

Why Was I Interested In Wealthy Affiliate

The reason I was interested in Wealthy Affiliate is because I wanted to learn how to boost the online presence of my church and get more people to visit our website.  

The reason I wanted to boost my churches online presence is because I started doing research of how many people are actually online and I come to find out that having an online presence can really help your business, company, church or even your personal website get more traffic and exposure.

Then I found out the process of getting your website to get more exposure is called SEO.  Which stands for Search Engine Optimization.  

According to wikipedia here is the definition of Search Engine Optimization – Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of increasing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website or a web page to users of a web search engine.

I Had Tried Other SEO Programs

Before coming across Wealthy Affiliate I had tried other SEO programs and unfortunately they took my money and left me with no SEO experience.

They told me just pay us $99 a month and we will do the SEO work for you. So I went signed up for the service and I didn't get the results I wanted. Now this is a big named  company.

Well, 1 month went by they said it takes time, then 2 months went by and they said it takes time, then 3 months went by and they said it takes time, then 4 months went by and they said it takes times.

So then I called and asked well is there any evidence of this thing working or do I just keep waiting, they said just keep waiting.

So then I looked into how to learn SEO on my own because now I had paid over $400 for something and I wasn't even seeing any results.  

Then I started to think, I am getting ripped off or what is going on here, so I called customer service. After calling customer service and asking them to explain what is going on, they told me it is working, and you are ranking.

So I said ok, as I didn't know much about SEO. Well, after learning SEO I come to find out yes I was ranking, but I was ranking for a keyword that was very weak and that hardly anybody even searched for.

(I know this because of everything that I have learned at Wealthy Affiliate)

So unfortunately  $400 dollars later I cancelled my membership and haven't heard from them sense.

Not to mention that I learned nothing about SEO.

The Starter Membership Caught My Attention

The cool thing that I liked about Wealthy Affiliate is that they had a Free Membership.

If you don't like the Starter Membership then you can just move on, but the cool thing is even if you choose not to become a Premium Member you can still keep your Starter Member for as long as you want. 

wealthy-affiliate-profile-page Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

That caught my attention because Wealthy Affiliate is the only SEO learning platform that I know of that let's  you try out their services for FREE.

Look At The Amazing Features Of Each Membership Package

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Managed WordPress Hosting Features:

On top of all the amazing features that come with the Premium membership at wealthy affiliate, you also get Managed WordPress hosting for all of your websites. 

If you are not familiar with Manage WordPress hosting, it is one of the fastest, if not the fastest platforms to host your website.

I know of companies on the internet that are charging anywhere from $49 to $200 a month just for just Managed WordPress hosting packages.  

With the Wealthy Affiliate $49 a month Premium membership not only do you get blazing fast Managed WordPress hosting but you also get:

  • 24/ 7 Live Chat,
  • Live Webinar every Friday with jay,
  • Free Keyword research tool,
  • SSL Certificate for website ( This Helps With The Google Ranking Of Your Website)
  • Step-by-Step Videos to help you with the online presence of your website
  • 10 Websites
  • And so much more
wealthy-affiliate-hosting-features Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

Start A Free Website Now

TRY Starter Membership

You Learn How To Do SEO

Now the amazing thing about Wealthy Affiliate is they show you how to do SEO. Yes, there is a monthly fee, but they give you the tools and techniques that you need to do top-notch SEO.

I am reminded of the old saying ” Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man how to fish feed him for a lifetime. “

Yes, you can use the things you learn at Wealthy Affiliate to build an online business and build a pretty profitable one at that, but as you will see in this wealthy affiliate review you can also use the SEO techniques that you learn to boost the online presence of any website.

Yes, even for your church, your ministry or your music group.

Check Out Some Training That You Get with the Starter Membership:

10 Step By  Step Training Videos

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I Am Getting Results

I have been a part of Wealthy Affiliate now for a little over 4 years and the things I have learned are amazing.

I have used the techniques I have learned at Wealthy Affiliate to build a business page for my church and that business page gets around 2,000 to 3,000 views a month.

Not only that, but we are getting over 1,500 searches in google a month and the activity on our business page as I wrote this article was over 12,000.

Here is a screen shot from my cell phone of my churches business page activity.

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Google My Business Screen Shot Results

Google Stats:

As you can see from the stats below my churches, my google business is blowing up: We have over 300 searches, 4.6 rating, 541 total views, total activity of 44 and over 5,000 photo views and that is all in a 7 day time period.

wealthy-affiliate-google-stats Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

How Customers Find Us Stats:

As you can see from the stats below many people are finding us on google because of the keywords we rank for with our google business listing. We had over 541 people find us in 7 days. 338 were from listing on search and 203 from our listing on maps. 

Wow!!! That is only in a 7 day time period.

wealthy-affiliate-customers-find-business Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

Actions That Customer Take – Google My Business:

Now as you can see from the image below the amazing thing is not only are people finding us but they are taking action.  If you look at the screen shot below there has been over 44 actions in a 7 day time period. 26 people visited our website, 5 people requested directions and 13 people called us.

Wow!!! That is some pretty good stats there.

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Now you may wonder what is all the excitement about. Big deal you got 44 actions on your google my business page from what you have learned at Wealthy Affiliate.

Well, what I haven't told you yet is this.

The cool thing is my church reaches out to those involved in the lifestyle of drug addiction and gangsterism.

We have a Free Recovery home where we house men and women who want to get their life together.

Now because of our church having a strong online presence, many who were searching the internet for a free recovery home, drug treatment center, drug rehab center or even a place to help them kick their habit, have come into our Free Recovery Home because of our church having a strong online presence.

Here are some messages that we have received to our website chat, google business and our online form:

chat-messages-on-website Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 - Updated Version

Because of our church having a strong online presence we are seeing lives changed, families restored and people joining our church.

Now you see why I am excited!

Man, if that doesn't get you excited about learning SEO and prove to you that what we learn at Wealthy Affiliate is not just about affiliate marketing then I don't know what will.

I Just Received A Notification

One more thing before I move on. We have a first timers pop up button on our website, and as I am updating this blog, we just got a notification that someone filled out the form and wants to get connected to our church.

To put it simple, It Works!

I often say, our church website is like a full-time evangelist. Letting people know about Jesus 24 hours a day.

So when I say what we learn at Wealthy Affiliate is not only about making money or affiliate marketing, I mean it.

I have seen the SEO skills and SEO techniques that I have learned at Wealthy Affiliate: 

  1. get people out of gangsterism,
  2. get people off drugs
  3. and put families back together!!!

Not Only That !!! There Is More…

Hey wait, there is more. haha

Doesn't that sound familiar?

No, but really, let me share how I am using the things I am learning at Wealthy Affiliate to rank my personal website PastorDre.com.

If you go to google and type in ” Battle Before the Breakthrough” you will see my post “Battle Before the Breakthrough” on page 1 of google and high in google. That is huge and is generating a lot of traffic to my website.

Now this doesn't just happen by accident, there some SEO Techniques that I am using to get this done.

One technique being used is in this actual paragraph that you are reading and this is putting a hyperlink from a keyword to my blog.

I will not get into too much detail about that now, but if you notice in the sentence above I put a hyperlink to another page within my website with the keyword ” Battle Before The Breakthrough “.

I did that because that helps this post to get some SEO juice. 

How Do I Sign Up for Wealthy Affiliate

If you would like to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate after reading my review, you ca do so today.

All you have to do is go to this click here.

If you want to sign up after reading my wealthy affiliate review, Just Click Here

I am an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate so if you use my link to sign up I will get a compensation, if you choose not to use my link that is OK, either way the price will not change.

If you are trying to get your church, business or website more of an online presence, Wealthy Affiliate will help you do just that.


If you sign up using my link, I will also give you Access to my Digital Marketing Course.

I will walk you step-by-step on marketing tips and techniques that I have learned at Wealthy Affiliate and how I am using these tips and techniques to get more traffic to my websites and blogs.

If you do not want to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate, I would still like to give you 5 FREE videos to my Digital Marketing Course. Claim Free Access Here

Let me know if you have questions by posting them in the comment section below and I will do my best to help you out. 

Blog: Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – Updated.

9 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – Updated Version”

  1. Such a wonderful account of Wealthy Affiliate and a very comprehensive review. I have been a member for about eight years and I agree with you that although the name sounds spammy, they are anything but. The value you get is incredible from hosting to training to a brilliant keyword research tool and so much more. It helps that you can try it for free as if I hadn’t done this initially I would never have even tried. 

  2. Your updated Wealthy Affiliate review is truly enlightening and showcases how this platform can transform online presence. It’s inspiring to see how you’ve used Wealthy Affiliate’s teachings to drive real change within your church community, but I’m curious to learn more about how you initially navigated through the skepticism around affiliate marketing, and if Wealthy Affiliate’s free membership offered all the necessary tools for newcomers to make informed decisions. Additionally, could you provide insights into your personal experiences with SEO techniques that didn’t require relying solely on external services? Thank you for sharing your journey, and I look forward to any further insights you might have.

    • Hello there, thank you for your shout out. I was able to navigate the skepticism by trying the free membership. 

      I joined the FREE membership which required no commitment. I learned so much from the FREE membership that I went premium in like 4 or 5 days. I have been a premium member now for 4 years.  

      Please let me know if you have any more questions. I would love to help where I can. 

  3. Hey Pastor,
    Thanks for sharing your successes with Wealthy Affiliate. They do have powerful SEO training and especially getting the free organic traffic from Google. You and your websites are living proof of that. Clearly the value you get from the training, you have put in the effort, applied the comprehensive trainings and are getting the results you deserve.

    It’s awesome your personal mission to help others in need and that you can achieve that better using the power of SEO, free traffic and then personally helping those people.

    Yes the free training at Wealthy Affiliate is worth checking out to see if it suits your style before committing to Premium. I agree that the value you receive from Wealthy Affiliate – niche finder, keyword research tool, training, community, hosting, support, AI training,…. is second to none.

    Keep up the great work! John

  4. Hi Pastor Dre, this is a great article and right to the point!
    It’s an honest account of your journey and you depict it really well, a bit like you are doing a sermon at your church!
    I love how you want to help others using your website as a means to do so!
    Your show a varied breakdown of everything that WA has to offer and lots of deal breakers!
    I am glad the use of SEO, and accessing proper keywords has given you the right results!
    Thanks for sharing, and keep up the good work!

    • Hi Julia,
      Good day.

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving a shout out. Wealthy Affiliate is a great platform and really suitable for those that are looking to get started in Affiliate Marketing.

      I appreciate you taking the time to leave a review.

      Pastor Dre


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